Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction: Across Government,Government Parastatal, NGO and Private Institutions' White-Collar Employees in Addis Ababa

Paperback / Softback
Woldu, Esayas
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller
100 pages; 220 x 150 x 5 mm
EUR 49,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction
The rapid, far reaching, and continuing changes in recent year have brought about a situation where understanding work attitude is of prime importance in work settings. Organizations are nothings without the people who make them up. Moreover among employees in an organization, white collar employees do the more complex and intellectually rigorous jobs. All organization relies on the expertise of such professional to effectively implement organizational policies and strategies, no matter how well- designed a policy, strategy, project or piece of legislation may be, the result of such policies are contingent on how well they are implemented. The recruitment and retention of qualified white collar employees then is an integral part of the operation of any type of organization. This can best be achieved through enhancing job satisfaction and having satisfied workers. This is because considering the fact that job satisfaction can affect labor market behavior in relevant ways, influencing productivity, effort, absenteeism, and quits.
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