Elections and Democratization in the Middle East: The Tenacious Search for Freedom, Justice, and Dignity

Paperback / Softback
Hamad, M.; Al-Anani, K.
Springer Palgrave Macmillan
245 pages; VII, 245 p. 5 illus.; 13 x 140 x 215 mm
Reihe / Serie
Elections, Voting, Technology
Institution, democracy, democratization, dictatorship, elections, Electoral, governance, Institution, participation, politics, revolution
EUR 53,49 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Elections and Democratization in the Middle East
Top scholars of the Middle East set out the history and future of elections in eight Middle East countries. Examining issues associated with elections, the transition of governance, and the ways in which technology shapes popular participation in politics and elections, they discuss the future of governance and democratic transition in the region.

"In a region torn between mass uprisings and military repression, how and under what conditions do elections advance popular sovereignty? Further, how does recent voting in the Arab world compare with electoral competition in the non-Arab states of Turkey and Iran? Lucidly written, Elections and Democratization in the Middle East answers these questions and more. It provides a tour d'horizo n of the contemporary political landscape and will energize the debate over the power of elections to change regimes and transform societies." - Jason Brownlee, University of Texas at Austin, USA

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