Sie können hier die oben zu sehende Karte kaufen. Sie erhalten genau die Karte, die auf den Bildern abgebildet ist.

International Shipping:

here you can buy the card displayed above. You will receive the exact same card, that is shown in the pictures.
Feel free to have a look in our Ebay shop. We sell a big variety of cards that can be send together:
Orders within EU:
Orders between 75 Euro to 130 Euro: Small parcel for 7,5 Euro
Orders above 130 Euro: Parcel for 14,50 Euro
Orders above 500 Euro: Parcel for 24 Euro
Orders outside EU:
Orders between 75 Euro to 130 Euro: Small parcel for 12,50 Euro
Orders above 130 Euro: Parcel for 35 Euro
Orders above 500 Euro: Parcel for 45 Euro
Please contact us, if you have any questions.