Preparation and Analysis of Herbal Rasam (Vellanga Rasam) for All

Paperback / Softback
D, Saravanan; J, Manjunathan
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
60 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Vellanga Rasam, Zingiber officinale, Piper nigrum, Piper cubeba, Helicteres isora, Sepia apama, Cuminum cyminum
EUR 39,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Preparation and Analysis of Herbal Rasam (Vellanga Rasam) for All
1. The 16 different herbs were processed and powdered for commercialization and laboratory analysis.2. Extraction of various compounds from the rasam is done using Soxhlet extraction method and condensed3. Anti-Bacterial activity is conducted and even though no effective results were obtained in solvent extracts like Hexane, Diethyl ether, Ethyl acetate, etc. Methanol extract showed promising results against bacteria4. Anti-fungal activity is conducted and some of the solvent extracts shown minimal zone of inhibition while Water extract and Methanol extract has shown successful activity against the Organism used5. Shelf-life analysis have been conducted and some of the colonies identified has zone producing properties which means it acted against certain another bacterium.6. The 16 different herbs were processed and powdered for commercialization and laboratory analysis.7. Poly phenols like carbohydrates, amino acid, alkaloids and phylobatannins are present in the extracts of ddrinking water and ethanol.8. Herbal rasam was made with different flavours, smell and colour analyses were done.vellanga ram with tomato flavour was most preferred.
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