Made from raw beans that are roasted, finely ground and packed by Nestle Coffee Roasters The authentic taste of Greek coffee made with freshly roasted beans, blended and finely pulverised in Greece. How to brew a traditional pulverised coffee You'll need: Briki, water, cup, spoon. Directions: 1. Add around 60mls of water to Briki. 2. Add sugar to taste: - Sketos (Plain): No sugar, strong and bold taste. - Metrios (Medium): One sugar, balanced flavour. - Glykos (Sweet): Two sugars, sweet tasting. 3. Add one heaped teaspoon/18g of OASIS pulverised coffee. 4. Heat over low flame and stir lightly. 5. Simmer until a crema (kaimaki) has formed. Turn heat off before boiling point. 6. Pour into cup and stand for 30 seconds to allow coffee sediment to settle. 7. Enjoy and drink until you reach the coffee sediment. A Briki is a great addition to your home coffee kit. Traditional, authentic and copper, use this coffee pot on a standard gas or electric burner brew LOUMIDIS PAPAGALOS GREEK coffee. Quick, easy-brew and flavoursome, a Greek style coffee is perfect for your home coffee fix! BEST BEFORE 15/03/2023