Made in USA

3 Bottles 180 Capsules


  • Increases energy and endurance
  • Increases stamina
  • Alleviates chronic exhaustion (fatigue) syndrome
  • Improves sexual function
  • Enhances fertility
  • Has a beneficial action on the circulatory system
  • Joints & Bones Support
  • Antioxidant
  • Helps to build muscle
  • Libido enhancer


Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) has many health benefits. Known for their advanced knowledge of healing and the body’s connection with nature, the Incan civilization used the maca root in many of their natural remedies. According to ancient Incan history, the maca root was known to have special properties which were believed to enhance energy and stamina. It is also believed to increase the sexual desire and endurance. Maca is often termed as Peruvian Ginseng due to its natural stimulating qualities that are similar to the benefits found in the commonly known ginseng-related herbs. Traditionally, the Peruvians have used maca medicinally to enhance sexual performance and libido, increase energy and stamina, improve memory and learning, and treat a host of diseases and conditions.

Libido & Fertility

Culturally, the ancient Peruvians ingested this powerful root to boost the potency of the male libido. Its natural properties help to create an aphrodisiac-like response in men with low sex-drive, and fertility problems. The maca root is known to improve the quality and quantity of sperm in men who have lower than normal sperm counts, which helps to increase the level of fertility. 


Athletically speaking, the main ingredients and naturally occurring substances in maca are becoming widely used by today’s amateur and professional athletes alike. The main action of this powerful superfood is to strengthen endurance and energy levels, which gives the athlete a natural advantage. Testosterone also seems to be increased as well.


It holds the distinction of having the most obvious name in the history of natural care supplements. It might be one of the most well-known and oldest herbs for sexual health, dating back over 2,000 years. The Chinese name is Yin Yang Huo, or Xian Ling Pi, and it is used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has become popular in the field of Western alternative medicine for use in treating multiple conditions. Behind the name of horny goat weed stands a time-tested aphrodisiac that increases libido in both men and women. Known also as Epimedium or Yin Yang Huo, horny goat weed was first described in ancient classical Chinese medicinal texts. 

Horny goat weed is also used for weak back and knees, joint pain, osteoarthritis, mental and physical fatigue, memory loss, high blood pressure, heart disease, bronchitis, liver disease, polio, a blood disorder called chronic leucopenia, viral infections of the heart, weak bones (osteoporosis), and as a tonic.

Horny goat weed contains chemicals, which help increase blood flow and improve sexual function.


Tribulus Terrestris is a fruit-producing Mediterranean plant that's covered with spines. It is also called puncture vine.

People use the fruit, leaf, or root of the tribulus plant as medicine.

Over the years, people have taken tribulus to enhance athletic performance and for a wide range of health issues that may include heart, and circulatory conditions and sexual issues.

There have been studies that show benefit of Tribulus Terrestris to people with certain sexual problems.

Tribulus Terrestris helps to increase the body's natural testosterone levels and thereby improve male sexual performance and help build muscle. Its purported muscle-building potential was popularized by American IFBB bodybuilding champion Jeffrey Petermann in the early 1970s.

Tribulus Terrestris is a herb that is mostly recommended for male health including virility and vitality, and specifically more catered towards cardiovascular and urogenital health. It is a common supplement for its libido enhancing properties and testosterone boosting properties.

On the sexual side of things, tribulus does appear to be a relatively reliable and potent libido enhancer. It is known to enhance androgen receptor density in the brain which may enhance the libido enhancing properties of androgens.


Traditionally, people in western Africa have used the bark of the tree as an aphrodisiac and to boost general health as well as athletic performance. It can help sexual dysfunction, low sex drive in men and women, and the unwanted sexual side effects of some antidepressant medicines.


L-Arginine was first discovered in 1886. In 1932 when more research was conducted, scientists found that L-Arginine is needed to create urea and creatine. Both help waste products in the body to be cleared through the kidneys. It has been hypothesized that taking extra arginine will increase nitric oxide levels and in turn increase blood flow to the penis. Increasing the sensitivity to nitric oxide can bring greater blood flow, thus assisting erections, endurance and orgasms. L-arginine has also been reported to improving fertility in men with low sperm counts and been found as an active ingredient in many sexual problems support products. L- Arginine helps improve male enhancement by relaxing the blood vessels (vasodilatation).  When the blood vessels are dilated, blood rushes to areas of the body that previously lacked in circulation. Most men notice a significant improvement with early morning enhancement and overall enhancement over a two to four week period of time.

Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Serving Per Container: 30

SUGGESTION USE: 2 capsules daily preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare professional. 

WARNING: NOT FOR USE BY INDIVIDUALS UNDER THE AGE OF  18  YEARS.  DO  NOT  USE  IF   PREGNANT  OR  NURSING. Consult   a  physician    or    licensed    qualified    healthcare professional before using this product.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

amino acid - SUPER MACA COMPLEX 2070mg - tribulus terrestris - 3 Bottles 180 Cap