Kuman thong

Product Description



Big Red Kuman Thong Candle for worship or decoration on Altar .

Blessed by Monk From Temple

Size : Height 4 " inches

Base width 3 " inches .


To show respect to Kuman Thong , Amulet will help owner Protection , business and charming .


How to use : ( you can light this candle to worship your Kuman thong )

Light candle 2 times / day /

put it on the table only 5-10 minute / times is OK .

Then ask amulet help your wish .



The Kumarn Tong amulet is shaped in the image of a young Boy with topknot, as is traditional with Kumarn Tong. each image is painted slightly differently. He is  sitting in meditative posture, indicating that this is a Kumarn of the higher celestial realms and one who is both Buddhist, and a practitioner of the Dhamma, for which reason this is a Kumarn Taep, (Deva Kumarn), with great power, but who will be reluctant to help if the intention is evil. The Kumarn will however, protect against evil, with all its power.

One leg is placed forward in readiness to rise up and give assistance, reminiscent of the typical posture of Bodhisattva Beinbgs.




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