New Book, Polish release

They were sentenced to death even before their birth.

"The outbreak of war destroyed my world, my sense of security. I spent three and a half years in the ghetto. It was three and a half years in hell - recalls Krystyna, the only survivor of a family of ten.

At the beginning we were all together, we had no idea our days were numbered. We did not know what fear, hunger and the struggle for life were - this is how Józef remembers his interrupted childhood.

We get used to it over time. To the sight of the corpses on the sidewalks and to the thought that perhaps I will be next - Marian confesses years later."

The world they knew suddenly disappeared with the invasion of Poland by the Germans. Almost immediately they and their families became subhumans for the occupiers. The repressions increased from month to month, and more rights were taken away from them, and finally the most basic one - the right to life - was taken away from them.

All Jews were ordered to be closed in designated, tightly closed districts. In the ghettos. There, every day they were accompanied by a terrible hunger, overwhelming fear and fear of losing a loved one. Looking at death and suffering became their everyday life. They could only be glad that they still had enough strength to survive the next day.

There are fewer and fewer witnesses to these terrible events every day. We are the last generation that has the opportunity to hear first-hand stories about the most tragic events of the Second World War. Let us hear their voices and prevent these stories from ever being repeated.

"War is the worst thing that can happen to mankind, therefore: never again."

The above description is provided by the publisher.

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