Magazine, Polish release

Mille Petrozza is watching us from the cover. The invitation to the home of the leader Kreator, and the new excellent album "Enemy Of God" are the main reasons why we decided to devote the most space this time to the legend of thrash metal. An excellent year for metal music has ended and we did not hesitate to highlight those who made the history of the last 12 months in the extensive "Summary of the Year 2004" and point out the mistakes of these albums, which history will probably forget soon. This time we have prepared extensive talks with Soilwork, Immolation, Masterplan and Tristania. This is one of the most important premieres at the beginning of the year and we are sure that the albums of these bands will be discussed for a long time. Later we publish interviews with Children Of Bodom, Jon Ola, Agnostic Front, Grave Digger, Rage, and Karl Sanders (Nile). The Polish scene is represented by Pandemonium, Rootwater and Virgin Snatch, who are currently working on their second album. We are still trying to make the magazine's formula more attractive and enrich it in terms of graphics. One of the novelties is the "Progressive Pages" section in which we present the most outstanding creators from the circle of progressive music - at the beginning, we invite you to read Chroma Key, Spock's Beard and Derek Sherinian.In addition, we offer reports from the Japanese Overkill tour, WASP concert, X-mass festivals and permanent fields. We invite you to read!

If you are looking for some others polish releases please let me know :)