2 Ball Bearings + 1 Roller Bearing
All metal folding arms,
Rocker arm can be interchanged.
Exquisite workmanship,
High-end atmosphere,
The Japanese major in organ springs,
High-grade coarse polishing line configuration.

Speed: 4.3:1
Net Weight: 140g
Line Capacity: L/Y: 1/120    2/60
mm/M: 0.18/120  0.23/60

SaferWorld is a shop for high-quality fishing reels for decent prices.
As a professional business, we are investing a lot of resources to build a long-term relationship with factories and suppliers around the world in order to provide the best products along with a great customer service.

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Orders will be fulfilled by the best global warehouses right away and a tracking number is provided for every order.

Return accepted, Item must be returned unused and in original packaging and condition. You are welcome to review our Return Policy.

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