LP. SOMPHON ( YAI ) Samawaro
LP Yai ~ also known as LP Somporn, the great master of Leklai.


LP Yai ~ (known as Phra Ajahn SomPorn) is abbot of Wat Phra Thamyannamunee, Nakhom Pathom province. LP Yai is dedicated to built Wat Phra Thamyannamunee with many meditation building in the temple compound area. He has deep magical knowledge of Leklai (supernatural mineral) and consecrated in amulets for competence to help devotees.

Product Description





LEKLAI Diamond Armor in the Rock Stone cut from deep cave at moutain.

Have only in my Store .

size of rock 8*12 cm weight 825 Grams

size of leklai ( black ) 2.5*2.5 cm



Genuine Natural Rock Embed with Black Leklai Diamond Armor Holy Rare Holy God Stone rock amulet .




Super Rare Lek lai Magic Psychic element Stone !

Surface of Leklai is Very strange than other Leklai in the world .




As power as Leklai KOD PHEE ( THE BEST LEKLAI )

Holy stone amulet (Lek Lai ) NAME : LEKLAI Diamond Armor .

The psychic element This type of psychic Element is very rare.

The origin of the mountain in Laos.

1000 % guaranteed a real amulet.




So powerful It is a psychic element in the nature Best for Protection and bring Owner success in wish .



Abilities: outstanding in creating self-defense illusions, making its owner invisible, protect the attacks from demons bad evil , Destroy the enemy , having high self-defense power, radiating warm wave to balance its owner's body temperature in cold weather, making its owner to dodge away from bullets, invulnerable to weapons, venomous animals and all kinds of evil spirits.




Pure adamantine substance Leklai .

Magical extraction processing. Empowered by Monk, Very supernatural powers .***





*The Leklai is good for everything also for protection/invulnerability and fortune in business.











And of course this kind of Leklai is unique, top of the top and powerful which is reflected the full powers of itself by advent of this Leklai. All the enlarged photos will instead speaking. Only touch with images, you will feel with the powers of this Leklai. You will not disappointed with this Leklai certainly and will pround with this item more than that you see.


This Leklai will be great extremely for your precious collections. So Don't Miss for this item!







The Qualities and Identity of LekLai :
It resides within the walls of caves that are cool and damp, with no bats living in there.
It can remain in a static form or move or disappear, stretch and condense itself.
It can block any energy fields, waves or frequency channels.
Guns will not fire in the LekLai area.
It can make hot water become cold in an instant.
It consumes the phosphorous of bullets and gun shells.
It can emit a Fragrant Aroma.
It can heal illnesses or injuries if laid on the place that is affected.
It can become lighter or heavier or Magnetic.
It can appear from nowhere. If they to be thrown , it can be find way back to start point.
Leklai all kinds is very sacred and powerful











The amulet counter.




and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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We are expert collector and trader buddha amulets , antiques , Talismans items from Thailand & Southeast Asia.
We open amulet store in Thailand too.


All of our Amulets are 100 % Satisfaction guarantee and either straight from the temple or from very reliable sources including dealers and collectors
around Thailand with whom we are afilliated.

You can trust that the items are Rare, Sacred, Genuine and beautiful Items.