Purifying peel-off mask that unblocks clogged pores, reduces blackheads and minimises pores. With Salicylic Acid, Charcoal and Pineapple Extract. 
* Unblocks clogged pores, purifies and minimises pores 
* Reduces blackheads and blemishes 
* Draws out dirt and perfects oily skin 

Purifying peel-off mask that unblocks clogged pores, reduces blackheads and minimises pores. Salicylic Acid, Charcoal and Pineapple Extract together target blemishes while drawing out dirt and reducing oily skin to leave skin soft, smooth and comfortable. 
Struggling with blackheads and clogged pores? You’re not alone. Blackheads and clogged pores are made up of excess oil and dead skin cells that get trapped in the pore. They don’t mean you’re not cleansing enough, it might just mean that your stress levels are high, or that your hormones are out of balance which may cause your skin to produce more oil. This is normal and not your fault! 
Pure Skin Pore Clearing Peel-off mask draws out excess oil and unclogs pores in one simple (and weirdly satisfying) peel-off action that leaves your skin clean and smooth. More than that, it does it gently. When you peel it off, it won’t feel like you’re stripping your skin off, as it so often happens with peel-off masks. 90% of people who tested Pure Skin Pore Clearing Peel-off mask agreed that it removes impurities while keeping the skin feeling comfortable! 

Salicylic Acid is a form of beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and a real powerhouse blemish-fighting ingredient, which is why we’ve included it in all of our Pure Skin products. It deeply cleanses and purifies the skin by removing dead skin cells and penetrating deeper into the pores to unclog them. This combined with its antimicrobial properties creates an effective action on existing blemishes but also helps prevent new blemishes from forming. 
Charcoal Charcoal powder, known for its purifying properties, absorbs oil and lifts impurities and dirt from the skin. The charcoal powder in our peel-off mask has been chosen for its high purity and porosity, which makes it especially effective for absorbing oleic acid, a key component of sebum.
Pineapple Extract Pineapple naturally contains AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) which help to gently exfoliate the skin and Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps to reduce appearance of blemishes. Further, it contains natural sugars which moisturise the skin.

How to use - Use 1-3 times a week. Apply to clean and dry skin, avoiding the lips and eye area. Leave for 20-30 minutes until dry. Peel off gently, starting with the outer edges and pulling downward. Wipe off any excess product. Can be used on T-zone or whole face as needed.