This listing is for a high quality printed copy of an original manual for various Team Losi Racing models.

All manuals include parts lists and exploded views unless otherwise stated. Most will also include setup sheets.

Name too long to view? Add the manual to your cart, and the full title and number will be viewable there before checking out.

Can't find your model here? Send me a message and I may be able to find a copy for you.

NOTE: The Double-X4WD World's Limited Edition Kit LOSA0011 is a lower quality scan.

Comb bound, printed on 100% recycled 28lb paper.

🌳 10% of the proceeds go directly to Eden Reforestation - an excellent, highly effective charity that has planted millions of trees all over the world. 🌳
🌱 You can check them out here: 🌱

  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, and thanks for looking! 🐔