Welcome to the future of emergency safety devices. This brand new high-quality device goes above and beyond the basic rape alarm most commonly sold in the current market. The Safety Squawker has a built in Bluetooth connection that pairs up to its users smart phone. Using the 5 star app 'BBGuarder'  (available on the APP Store & Google Play Store) when the siren is triggered, this device alerts emergency contacts that you may be in danger with a precise pinpoint GPS location as well as a 30 second audio recording taken from your phone. The GPS location can be refreshed every 10 seconds for an up to date location. Note: for this to function, the device must be connected via Bluetooth to the app and the mobile device must be connected to data or WiFi.

Not only may it be important in some cases for an endangered person to deterrent an attacker with a loud siren, but in some cases it may be best for this person to remain silent or in stealth - a simple double tap of the emergency button will trigger the GPS alert without any signals being let off without ever having to reach for a mobile device. This device has both capabilities making it more suited for a larger range of dangerous situations. This product is perfect for people for protection on a night out, a dog walk or even just popping to the shops - you can never be too safe in today's world.

The March 2020 Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimated that 1.6 million adults aged 16 to 74 years had experienced sexual assault by rape or penetration (including attempts) since the age of 16 years. It is sickening to think such a large amount of our population have been put in such situations where they may have felt hopeless and vulnerable in protecting themselves. The Safety Squawker is aimed to put ones mind at ease knowing they have a tool to fight with in such situations - we hope to radically reduce these disgraceful numbers over the coming years. 

The Safety Squawker is small and stylish and would most likely go undetected by an attacker due to its discrete design - it comes with two different key-chain attachments to suit different users preferences. We aim to expand our variety of colors in future models and continue to develop our technology and functions for future Squawkers. The device has a rechargeable battery and comes with a charging lead - this gives our product a much longer lifespan than the inferior alarms that are too cheap to consider replacing the batteries in.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Here at Hey Presto we pride ourselves in our customer service and speedy responses so be sure to send us a message.