Traditional Handmade Vintage Carpet Anatolian Ethnic Oriental Runner Rug

Size: 3 x 7.9 ft ( 90 x 240 cm ) 35.4 x 94.5 inches

Color: White,Beige

Material: 100% Wool 

Fast Shipping: Delivery in 1-3 Business Days.

All rugs are handwoven by the traditional tribes of Anatolia, Turkey. Each and every rug has an attached story with it. We have a collection of Vintage handwoven Rugs and Kilims.

100% refund guarantee

The buyer is responsible for the returning shipping cost.

Handwoven with high-quality pure wool. Excellent condition.

All my rugs are professionally washed and cleaned.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Thank you very much

Best Regards.