Coffee Portuguese Delta BRAZIL & PORTUGAL - Universal Griding

2x 220g - Total 440g - 0.97lb - 15.52oz  - Since 1961

Delta Brasil - Intensity 9

Taste a unique and refined flavor with our scented and delightful blend. Sourced primarily from the Cerrado Mineiro and Sul de Minas regions in Brazil, the beans in this coffee create a balanced acidity paired with the sweet and fruity aroma of tropical heat. Savor the perfect balance of flavors in every cup.

Coffee was first introduced to Brazil in the early 1700s by Portuguese settlers. By the late 1800s, Brazil had become the largest coffee producer in the world, a title it still holds today. 

During the 19th century, coffee production played a major role in the growth and development of Brazil's economy and culture. The country's coffee industry has faced several challenges throughout its history, including government intervention, economic depressions, and disease outbreaks, but it remains a major part of Brazil economy and heritage.

Delta Portugal - Intensity 12

Our coffee is an authentic and aromatic blend specifically crafted to meet the unique taste preferences of Portuguese coffee lovers. Made from carefully selected Arabica and Robusta beans sourced from the world's finest coffee growing regions, our coffee boasts a full-bodied and slightly acidic taste that is perfectly roasted to bring out its rich flavor and intense aroma. With its smooth and satisfying taste, our coffee is the ideal choice for those seeking a traditional and genuine coffee experience.