4 x Lavander 125gr - 4.4oz each   CLAUS PORTO ACH BRITO

 Part of the classic Lavanda (Lavender) line, this is an Ach Brito absolute must,
with the characteristic and fresh aroma of the Eau de Cologne.

Looking into the future, Claus Porto bets now on a strategy that, based on its 120 years of history and experience, remains faithful to its original philosophy.

Recognized by the quality of their products and by the artistic value of their packages, the brand wishes to continue to take the name of Portugal further.

At the same time it recovers the historic past and shares it with the whole world, which is eager to experience sensations and emotions only provided by authentic, genuine, hand-made and aromatic products.
In this journey into the future and into other international markets, the caravel of Claus Porto takes in the luggage the essence of a wide portfolio of hand-packed “jewelry” that will try to vary in order to surprise, conquer, and most important of all, to leave a trace of aromas and fragrances.