Imported from Russian Federation in bulk bags 25kg

Original Karielia stone

100% genuine

Shungite enhances the quality of your water by cleaning it of impurities and chemicals. It gives water a great pure taste. It also revitalises your water by giving it antioxidant properties, and is great as part of your detox programme!

The water can also be used to as a cosmetic skin or hair treatment, to water plants or for pets drinking water.

These shungite stones are from Zazhoginsky in Karelia,

You will need approximately 50g of shungite for every 1 litre of water you wish to fortify.

This Raw Shungite is completely natural and untreated and will leave the black residue on your hands. Please consider this when using and placing around you and the spaces you intend to leave the Shungite to work. When using for water preparation please wash the Shungite first.

Some research regarding shungite and its uses:

Shungite got its name in 1887 after the village of Shunga in Karelia (Russian Federation), located on the shore of Onezhskoe Lake, where is located the only one mineral Zazhoginsky deposit of shungites on the territory of the Russian Federation. 

Shungite removes impurities and chemicals from water.

Shungite removes the free radicals formed during water treatment with chlorine out of water up to 30 times more effectively than activated carbon. Chlorine and its derivatives have a negative effect on human health and has been shown to be the cause of many diseases ( cardiovascular, cancer etc) [Khadartsev A.A. and Tuktamyshev I.S. Shungites in medical technology. Vestnik novih medicinskih technologii 9(2) 2002, 83-86]

Shungite is able to purify wastewater from oil up to threshold limit value (TLV) of water discharge into the water reservoir. Shungite absorbs on its surface up to 95% of contaminants, including organochlorine compounds, phenols, dioxins, heavy metals, radionuclides. [Mosin, O.V. and Ignatov, I. (2013) Structural properties and composition of fullerene containing mineral shungite. Nano- i microsystemnaja technika 1, 12–20 0

Shungite removes and cleans water from bacteria.

Shungite has strong bactericidal properties, which allows to carry out the efficient disinfection of drinking water by this mineral in water treatment and water purification. 

It is observed the bactericidal activity of shungite against bacteria, there is evidence that after the passage of water containing bacterium E. coli, through shungite filter, there is an almost complete removal of this bacterium. [Mosin, O.V. and Ignatov, I. (2012) New natural mineral sorbent – shungite. Nanoingenerija 3, 34–36 .]

Shungite revitalises the body.

It is shown that the water passed through shungite or infused on shungite has a general revitalising effect on the body, reduces skin irritation, itching, rash, effective in vegetative vascular dystonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney stones and other diseases [Kibardin, G.M. Shungit and its healing properties. (2010) Moscow: Amrita-Rus, 48–50 

Shungite tranmutes negative EMF

One of Shungite's greatest assets is its ability to protect us from electromagnetic radiation. In our modern society we are continuously bombarded by harmful radiation due to the rapid development of technology, and our demand for it in our lives. Shungite neutralises the harmful effects of toxic electric fields, electromagnetic fields and pulsed electromagnetic fields which are emitted from mobile phones, computers, cordless phones and Wi-Fi hot spots. 

 (shungit / schungit/ shugit/ schugit)This shungite is sourced from a very reputable area in Karelia, Russia who has given me sight of the certificate authenticity of the product. I also test each delivery that I receive for quality using the electro-conductivity for the mineral. The batches I have received test with gas chromatography between 42 - 60% carbon and I always ensure that you will receive genuine shungite stone. Shungite of with this level of carbon is the type that has traditionally been used for centuries for water filtration. Please look at the photos of the product to familiarise yourself with the type of stones that you will receive.

How to use:

1. Rinse shungite several times before first use.
2. Place  shungit in to the glass jar.
 You need 50 grams of shungit for 1 litre of water.
3. Fill up jar with water. For better results first use brite filter then boil the water, cool down and then pour to the jar with shungite.
4. Leave for 3 days.
5.After 3rd day water is ready to drink/cook etc.
6. Wash/rinse shungit every 2 weeks
7.Replace shungit evrey 3-6 months.

Shungite Natural Filter Water Healing
1kg in transparent/frosted bag