Noragami 野良神 graphic novel Vol. 1-12 in traditional Chinese 繁體中文 published by Jade Dynasty 玉王朝 in Hong Kong. Books are used and in good condition. Each book has also been wrapped in an anti-skid comic book protective sleeve. Please refer to the photos.

Hiyori was a normal middle school student until she was involved in a bus accident while trying to protect a stranger. This incident causes her soul to frequently slip out of her body, and she becomes aware of the existence of two parallel worlds: the Near Shore, where regular humans and creatures reside, and the Far Shore, where demons and human souls linger. Through her soul, she meets the strange, nameless god without a shrine, Yato. Yato is determined to make a name for himself out there by accepting any wishes for 5 yen, including Hiyori's to fix her body. Along with Yato's Regalia — a weapon from a dead human’s soul, and named by the god in question — Yukine, the trio go through many adventures struggling with their friendship, identity, and pasts.


神明的世界,居然也像人類世界一樣競爭激烈!沒有神社供奉(公司)、缺少香火(資本)的落魄神明夜斗,因為性格缺陷,導致手下的神器(員工)紛紛跳槽。懷抱「受萬民景仰」這個偉大夢想的他,只好隻身在此岸與彼岸間徘徊,為五塊錢的香油錢(五斗米)折腰,接受上至斬妖除魔、下至修東修西的各類委託……超貼近現實社會的新神明物語! 該故事描述的是在人間與陰間的交界處,八百萬的神明和服侍他們的死靈——神器,以及被稱為妖的魑魅魍魎一同生活著。可愛的女中學生在那兒遇到了居無定所、沒有工作、自稱是“神”的穿著運動衫的人。像這樣一個性格粗心大意、性情不定,而且不能很好地聽祈願、沒有人知道的神明卻有一個能力,那就是將此岸與彼岸以及其夾縫——世上各種瑣碎的東西斬斷