1/2x 6" Ferro Rod Striker Fire Starter Camping Ferrocerium Flint Scraper Kit

Brand New and High Quality 1/2 x6  ferrocerium rods

Carbon Steel Striker Scraper

This is the perfect compact and lightweight fire starter for camping, emergency kits and more. Produces a high-heat sparks easily - ignite paper, dry grass or bark An easy-carry and lightweight fire starter for camping,wilderness survival,outdoor exercises Applicable at anywhere, anytime and any condition, including moist weather or low temperature
Before use Remove the paint/coating: Most ferro rods/strikers come with a paint or some sort of coating that prevents oxidation. This coating needs to be gone before a spark can be created. A general rule of thumb is that you should see a shiny area on the rod/striker where you will scrape. you can use anything from sand paper, stones, a knife, a file. etc,  or even just using the striker until both rod and striker have a nice shiny surface to produce large hot sparks

Package includes: 1 Set

1pc - 1/2 x 6" ferro rods with drilled holes

1pc - high carbon strikers


