1978. "Ever wonder what the folks next door are up to? They're probably ACTING OUT!" ACTING OUT is CinemaVerite applied to the new 1970s era of eroticism. Here are real people given the ultimate opportunity-to "act out" their most personal sexual fantasies. Through ads in a wide range of publication, volunteers were invited to participate in this unique project. From thousands of responses, 21 amateur fantasists were selected and then teamed with professional actors to bring their fantasies to life. Ranging from the playfully erotic dream of a Michigan housewife of making love to all of the New York Jets football team, to a few less humorous, more violent sexual trips, ACTING OUT is a fascinating portrait of both humanity in general, and human sexuality. REVIEW From JOE BOB BRIGGS' ULTIMATE 'B' MOVIE GUIDE.... "Unreleased for 23 years, this staged documentary by Carl Gurevich took the premise of inviting ten average Americans to a remote country manor in upstate New York and asking them to play out any sexual fantasy they want with a professional film crew and a company of actors. It's a little hard to watch, due to the zoo of sexual-revolution hipsters, in their Afros and leisure suits and peasant dresses, who actually performed in it. We didn't really wanna know what's going on inside their heads. Take Roberto, the guy who can only get excited about his own body as a sex object. The producers try to help him out with a room full of mirrors, a wig and a frilly nightgown so that he can transform his "other self" into a woman, but the effect is somewhat distorted by his bushy black beard and mustache. The moment when this fantasy succeeds is one of the best arguments for censorship in the history of film. Whoa! Fortunately the producers passed on the fantasy of the Angela Davis lookalike who wanted to elaborately torture and then bury alive several men. More. BEHIND THE SCENES TRIVIA Co-Director, Ralph Rosenblum, was the acclaimed editor of Woody Allen's comedies "Annie Hall" and "Sleeper". VIEWER COMMENT: "A strange documentary kind of film that could only have been made in the 1970's. A number of people are invited do tell the filmmakers what their ultimate sexual desire would be, after which they are given a chance to actually have these played out for real, with the help of Robert Kerman (who is know by serious film-fanatics for his part in Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust), among others. It turns out that these (real) people have (really) weird fantasies ranging from being abused by medics while being operated upon to something as predictable as a guy wishing do experience a threesome. What is so stunning about this documentary is that we learn that even in the wild years of free love people simply couldn't handle this freedom because the desires they have turn out do be as disappointing as they are weird. It turns out that only the guy with the least ridiculous wishes (the threesome with two girls) actually enjoyed the experience. It seems that then and now people always want do make more of sex that there actually is. For this alone it is an interesting film to watch. We get to see the entire process, from people being selected in the street, them telling about their desires and the action out, all rounded out by their commentaries on the experiences. All of this with very straight faces and surprisingly little gratuitous nudity, giving the viewer the impression that a scientific research to all this was the goal, and not to get as much as cheap nude scenes as possible, which of course is nonsense but makes for extremely fun viewing. A time capsule like this would probably have been lost forever if not for TROMA. Recommended."

Cast : Robert Kerman, Andrea Cox, Victoria Carsaut, Barbara Jo Fiedorlyzk, Robert Kazmeyer, James Schulze, Vanessa Vanderbilt, Genie Joseph, Marcia Blau, Michael Gaunt, Sterling Jones, Sandy Light, Esther Lester, Ellen Faison, Robert Caine, Cia Lozell, Jennifer Jordan

A library of 20,000 to 30,000 video items from 1978 forward, including multiples, is being offered for the first time to the eBay community. ALL inventory is OFFSITE from eBay listing center, so singular items may not be described individually, but in general to the collection. Some images may be representative. The quality of playback and visual presentation is GOOD to VERY GOOD to FINE. Some items may be Brand New Factory Sealed, while a few may slip through in a lesser quality. These items are inspected but individual items slip through occasionally, and we apologize for this inconsistency. Please, ask questions before purchase, we will do our best to oblige you.