Canadian WW1 CEF War Medal to Fleming, 3rd Battalion, from Glasgow, Resided at Welland

Impressed naming to : 211103 PTE. P.M. OLMSTED. 20 CAN. INF. 

Percy Milton was b. 14/6/1894 at Bismarck, Ontario and was a Clerk when he attested on 17/1/16 at Beamsville, Ontario. He was a Pre-war member of the 44th Regt. Transferred from the 98th Bn to 20th Bn he was wounded in the legs on 13/10/18.


His file is digitized and available for free at Library & Archives Canada

All items are unconditionally guaranteed as to authenticity. Any item may be returned for a refund if found to be incorrectly described. We are members of The Orders & Medals Research Society. 

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