TAI CHI: THE SHORT SET DVD - This NEW shortened form of Tai Chi is the perfect introduction to a great art. Developed by teacher Ted Mancuso from his many years of experience, this condensed set contains essential movements for learning and performing an exercise known world-wide as a treasure.

What makes this DVD special? First of all, this set is modular, which means that the essential movements and energies can be broken out for the purposes of both teaching and learning*. Second, it is a good practice set for those who do not necessarily have Tai Chi as their main regimen. It is also good for those who are already doing Tai Chi but want a shorter version for limited space practice. Additionally, this is an easily learned set for teachers who want to introduce a compact version of Tai Chi—the fastest growing martial art in the US—into their curriculum.Yet this is in no way a "dumbed down" form; it still contains the traditional energies and principles. Other features include: a special section on "loop practice" and extracting exercises from the set, a demonstration of Jing issuance and a chapter on form details.

THE T-AI CHI SWORD DVD - This is a teaching and demonstration tape of the famous Yang Style T'ai Chi Straight Sword (Taiji Jian). Unlike many such tapes there is a good deal of discussion on the manipulation of the sword itself with more than mere replication of postures. This tape gives some feel for the teaching style of Ted Mancuso, ShihFu.

From the Tape: "When all is said and done the T'ai Chi sword is great fun. It preserves the martial heritage that is so essential to a real understanding of T'ai Chi but combines it with the grace and fluidity that we all have come to associate with the art itself. T'ai Chi Sword must fulfill the promise of T'ai Chi by retaining its special flavor and yet functioning as a true display of martial prowess. The sword itself is the perfect symbol of this idea. It has a graceful and flexible body yet is perfectly straight, as straight as the spine of the practitioner. In many ways it is the best symbol of Wu De, martial virtue. Associated with scholars as well as warriors it signifies the ideal of Wen Wu, literature and martial skill combined."

This video contains the following, some items rarely seen: A thorough introductory discussion of the sword itself, Fundamental Exercises with the sword for timing, stepping and flexibility, The T'ai Chi Sword form demonstrated front and side view, Complete breakdown on the steps of learning the form and Applications of T'ai Chi fencing, usage and partner exercises.


US = $10.00