Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Legacy Edition PRO XBOX ONE

Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite Legacy Pro Edtion includes:

game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in English

Call of Duty: Warfare Infinite - Season Pass



additional downloadable content

game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered in English


Editing content


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Legacy Edtion contains:

  • Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

The acclaimed studio Infinity Ward once again raises the bar with the game Call of Duty: Infinite Warfarethat goes back to the roots of the series, serving you a classic clash between two armies. 

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare throws players into the storyline, which for the first time in the history of the series takes place not on Earth, but in the outer space of the Solar System.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will please all fans Call of Duty thanks to the three pillars of the game: single player campaign, multiplayer and "Zombies".



Single player campaign


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will take players on an unforgettable adventure, during which they will take part in spectacular battles offering realistic combat. The campaign takes place in the solar system, taking players beyond our planet. We will follow the fate of a great conflict, meet unforgettable characters, experience an exciting story that will take place in completely new circumstances. 

  • Back to the big conflict
    In a future game that could come true, we play the role of Captain Reyes, an elite special forces pilot who commands Retribution, one of the last Earth warships. Under unimaginably difficult circumstances, Reyes must lead the decimated coalition forces into battle against a ruthless enemy.
  • Confrontation with a fanatical opponent
    The Colonial Defense Front is a group of insurgents who split off from the United Nations Space Alliance during the Civil War many years ago. In the world of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, our planet has been stripped of its natural resources as a result of population growth and industrial development. Earthlings are now dependent on colonies on planets and asteroids within our solar system to mine for energy and more. The Front is a fascist organization made up of ruthless and militant radicals, hardened in extreme extraterrestrial conditions. Their goal is to take control of the colonies and seize their wealth so that they can hold the Earth in a murderous grip. After many years of deadlock, diplomatic relations are extremely tense and even the smallest conflict can lead to a war.
  • Addictive and smooth campaign
    For the first time in the franchise, the entire campaign - from ground battles to fighter piloting to space and zero gravity combat - is a fluid, action-packed experience. Data reading is virtually imperceptible, which further enhances the spectacular gameplay, which is so much appreciated by the enthusiasts of the series.
  • A new addition to the Call of Duty series - Warships
    For the first time in the series, air combat, both in the atmosphere and in space, becomes an essential element of the campaign. New battle scenarios and locations will be available to diversify and enrich the campaign mode.
    Retribution: Retribution is the player's home, symbolizing his life on Earth and allowing him to travel to the most remote corners of the Solar System. It is a huge warship with a crew of over a thousand men and women, which will prove to be crucial for the development of the campaign and on which the player will in time become completely reliant. 
    Jackal: As part of the story campaign, players will also pilot their own high-tech fighter called Jackal.


Multiplayer mode


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare offers a multiplayer mode with a new movement system that is an evolution of the solutions known from previous installments of the Call of Duty series. The player's involvement in direct battles is in the foreground. 
The system rewards players who use their surroundings and use tactics even in the whirlwind of action.


The maps are designed to offer players the dynamic and exciting gameplay that is the hallmark of the series Call of Duty
With a new approach to multiplayer, a gameplay model has been created that forces players to pursue goals in a creative way based on their individual playstyle.



IN Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare We will also find the cooperation mode "Zombies", which will allow players to experience a crazy adventure and enjoy the unique gameplay mechanics. Fans can count on many surprises. We'll have more information on this mode later this year.



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, one of the most critically acclaimed video games in history, is back in high definition, featuring, among other things, improved textures, physics-based rendering and HDR lighting to match the next generation of hardware.


A game made by Infinity Ward Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare set new standards for action games, gained recognition around the world and was hailed as one of the most important video games in history. Fans of the series will relive the cult campaign by performing the most popular missions such as "All Ghillied Up", "Mile High Club" and "Crew Expendable".


Plus, players can team up with friends in personalized classic multiplayer. Gain prestige by unlocking weapons, bonuses and more. Play on one of the 10 most popular maps such as "Crash", "Backlot" and "Crossfire".


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare only includes 10 multiplayer maps from the original version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.Modern Warfare Remastered is a fully downloadable digital game. Requires internet connection. More information on

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