--here is a bunch of stuff, all for A.T.F. non offset gun (spray) - there is a hand painted folder, 3 hand painted sheets, and one drawn sheet with ideas. WOW

Here is an original item designed and drawn by Will Gerth (see below) , i was lucky enough to purchase a bunch of his work. you are considering the exact item shown.

i have many or his original sketches, mock ups, paintings, etc.  if you search for Will Gerth either in active or completed items on ebay you will find many more examples of what i have or had from his collection. he also did a lot of work with his wife Ruth.


"When they came to New York, Richard Bach of the Met. Museum of Art was among the first to discover them, and his recommendations resulted in their first big-time commissions. Now, after working quietly for a few year, they design for people like Chase Brass & coper, Oneida Silver, Keystone Watchcase, Consolidated Safety Pin, Dura Hardware, Pratt & Lambert, Bond Electric, Owl Drug, Altman's, Cushman Bakeries, Dennison's and other large firms.  They've done flat silver, metal specialties, automobile and refrigerator hardware, Illonois and Hamilton watchcases, powder boxes, compacts and lipsticks, kitchen utensils, drug packages, flashlights and lighting fixtures---most of it in the modern manner, and most of it grand stuff.

They work together, these two Gerths, and their teamwork amazes ordinary married mortals.  Though often handling accounts separately, their work reflects their combined talents---Will being conceded the better artist and Ruth the more practical.  Recently she gave the R.C.A. licensees a chalk-talk, her three-hundred-and-umpteenth paid lecture on design, and she tosses off magazine and newspaper articles on design and color quite regularly....."

he was part of a Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition in 1937, but his work is not well known today.