Private collection item of original Rare Hard to Find FHE Family Home Entertainment COMPLETE & UNCUT, BIG BOX. Hard to Find rare video collectible from earliest days of the home video entertainment industry.  Fast & Safe Delivery.

1979. Series created by Tsuburaya Productions. "THE ULTRAMAN" Original title: "Za Urutoraman"TV Series : 1979 - 1980 The FIRST "Ultra" Animated Series - "Jonias (AKA: Joe), a new Ultraman from U-40, merges with young Science Garrison member Chôichirô Hikari to defend the Earth in this, the first-ever animated Ultra Series." The story begins as three ultra family members battle a mutated creature attacking Earth. Come join in the thrilling outer space adventures of Ultraman, as he battles to save all of mankind. The starlord Barock has command of all the evil powers of the universe, and Ultraman must use the Ultramind, the force of the universal family of man, to fight Barock's deadly invasion. But Barock has captured Mentor, the keeper of the Ultramind and the common life force of the planet Ultara, and will use this power to overthrow all good in the universe. Will Ultraman be able to save Mentor and destroy the cruel Barock in time, and by himself? VIEWER COMMENT : "Those of us who grew up in the late 60's might remember a syndicated English-dubbed Japanese series that featured a red-and-silver giant battling equally-large monsters. The giant was ULTRAMAN. This tape features a made-for-TV animated movie made in cooperation with Hanna-Barbara, the studio that gave us everything from The Flintstones to Scooby-Doo to Yogi Bear. Here three American stunt pilots merge with 3 extraterrestrial defenders to help save Earth from the invading Sorkan monsters. With voices including Stacey Keach, Sr., Adrienne Barbeau, and Chad Everett, this feature gives classic Ultra-action with a definite American flavor. There are some pacing difficulties, including some scenes that seem to be shoved in at the last minute and obvious "pauses for a commercial break," but the story is still pure Ultraman." VIEWER COMMENT : "Still Great, it's how I got hoooked on anime. I first saw this on tv years ago as a kid at some point in the late 1980's. I still love watching it, the awsome jets, the monsters, the Ultra-beings, the fights; I just wish there was more to watch, like a tv series. The movie obviously would have been a pilot for a series. I guess this was one of my early encounters with anime in the 80s. It's what also helped get me hooked as an anime fan. It sure matched the style of anime I've seen in the 1980s. Another type of what was technically anime were the videos that were go with a toy Jet XT-7 from "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future". The 3 viscious monsters out of the 4 are to me, still some of the baddest daikaiju monsters around. This was also the movie that sparked my interest in Ultraman in general. This animated version is one of the best versions of Ultraman ever made. I've heard of another animated Ultraman made in the late 70's or early 80's, but I've never seen it before. Someone else said about how if this movie was made into a live action, keeping all the monsters, jets, and top FX, this movie would have been the bomb, well, it's the bomb anyway, animated or not."

A library of 20,000 to 30,000 video items from 1978 forward, including multiples, is being offered for the first time to the eBay community. ALL inventory is OFFSITE from eBay listing center, so singular items may not be described individually, but in general to the collection. Some images may be representative. The quality of playback and visual presentation is GOOD to VERY GOOD to FINE. Some items may be Brand New Factory Sealed, while a few may slip through in a lesser quality. These items are inspected but individual items slip through occasionally, and we apologize for this inconsistency. Please, ask questions before purchase, we will do our best to oblige you.