From a private collection. Hard to Find Rare Video Collectible in good playback capability. Original PLAYHOUSE VIDEO First Edition, COMPLETE & UNCUT. From the earliest days of the home video entertainment industry. FAST & Safe Delivery.

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN "Deadly Dust" Episodes aired Apr 5 & Apr 12, 1978. Directed by Ron Satlof. The two parts of this story were edited together and released as a feature film on video titled 'The Deadly Dust'. A group of students steal plutonium from NYU. To make matters worse, a Miami reporter arrives in New York to get an exclusive interview with Spider-Man and won't leave Peter alone until she gets it. A physicist at the university where Peter goes announces he is bringing some plutonium onto the campus to conduct experiments. Some of the students including Peter object to it. But the physicist refuses to listen. Three of the students decides to steal it to show that the physicist is being irresponsible. Peter goes to Jameson to ask him if they can do a story on it. Jameson refuses. Then a reporter from out of town comes and says she was sent to get a interview from Spiderman and since Peter is the one who gets photos of him, she wants to stick with him. Peter goes to the university and when the alarm at the lab goes off he turns into Spiderman and goes but is too late they've left with the plutonium. The police suspect Spiderman of being the one who stole the plutonium but a Fed shows up and says that he spoke to the physicist and the man says Peter was vocal about his plans for the plutonium so they bring him in. A man who upon learning about the theft goes to New York and plans to get it. He goes to Peter thinking he knows where it is but he gets way.The ones who stole it upon learning that the press in downplaying the whole thing decides to make an atomic bomb. When one of them gets infected they bring her to the hospital and that's when the police are called in and Peter sees them and he learns that they made an atomic bomb. Peter goes to get it but the man is there. Peter and Gale follow the plutonium thieves to L.A. and J.J., who has paid for the trip, insists on going along. There, Mr. White is threatening to explode the device if his demands, one billion dollars in gold, aren't met.

A library of 20,000 to 30,000 video items from 1978 forward, including multiples, is being offered for the first time to the eBay community. ALL inventory is OFFSITE from eBay listing center, so singular items may not be described individually, but in general to the collection. Some images may be representative. The quality of playback and visual presentation is GOOD to VERY GOOD to FINE. Some items may be Brand New Factory Sealed, while a few may slip through in a lesser quality. These items are inspected but individual items slip through occasionally, and we apologize for this inconsistency. Please, ask questions before purchase, we will do our best to oblige you.