Additional instructions for this product:

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1. Need a larger amount.
    If you need more than one, please let me know via the offer. Please be assured that the shipping fee does not depend on the quantity.
2. eBay automatic calculation does not correctly calculate integrated shipping discounts.
    Please let us know the "Product number", "Quantity" you want to purchase.
3. Shipment to unauthorized countries.
    Please let us know "Country", "State", "City", "Postcode".
4. Want to receive the item as soon as possible. It is in a hurry.
    Please let us know the "Maximum delivery date", "City name", "Postal code"
5. Looking for a product similar to what I sell.
    Please send the "Manufacturer name" and "Model number" or "Product photo".

[Did the delivery staff charge you an additional fee when you received  the item?] It's a "Tariff". Customs duties may be levied depending on  the product price and product type. This is by law in your country and  the buyer is obliged to pay. That's also explained on eBay's policy. If  you would like to know the customs duty amount in advance, please  contact the international post office or customs office in your country.