The Occult Nineteenth Century: Roots, Developments, and Impact on the Modern World

Pokorny, Lukas; Winter, Franz
Springer, Berlin
1st ed. 2021
444 pages; XII, 444 p. 1 illus.; 31 x 155 x 219 mm
Reihe / Serie
Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities
Naturphilosophie, Mesmerism, Windischmann, Somnambulic, Eschenmayer, Naturphilosophie
EUR 160,49 (inkl. MwSt.)
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The Occult Nineteenth Century
The nineteenth century witnessed a proliferation of alternative religious currents and practices, appropriating earlier traditions, entangling geographically distinct spiritual discourses, and crafting a repository of mindscapes eminently suitable to be accommodated by later generations of thinkers and practitioners. Penned by specialists in the field, this volume examines important themes and figures pertaining to this occult amalgam and its resonance into the twentieth century and beyond. Global guises of the occult, ranging from the Americas and Europe to India, are variously addressed, with special attention to the crucial role of mesmerism and the origins of modern yoga.

"This impressive volume makes an important contribution to the understanding of occult concepts in the nineteenth century, their origins, and their influence on modern culture. ... The volume represents a compilation of highly original scholarship, being a valuable and muchrecommended addition to the study of occultism and esotericism." (Nicole Maria Bauer, Religious Studies Review, Vol. 47 (1), March, 2021)

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