Carbon Footprint and the Industrial Life Cycle: From Urban Planning to Recycling

Álvarez Fernández, Roberto; Zubelzu, Sergio; Martínez, Rodrigo
Springer, Berlin
1st ed. 2017
550 pages; XII, 550 p. 202 illus.; 241 x 162 x 38 mm
Reihe / Serie
Green Energy and Technology
Greenhouse gas emissions, Energy management, Sustainability and urban planning, Calculating industrial carbon footprints, Gas supply infrastructure, Waste management infrastructure, Urban sustainability design, Potable water infrastructure, Industrial activities, Carbon footprint sustainability, Urban planning master plan, Recycling activities, landscape/regional and urban planning, industrial pollution prevention
EUR 192,59 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Carbon Footprint and the Industrial Life Cycle
This book analyzes the relationship between large-scale industrial activity and the carbon footprint, and provides a theoretical framework and tools to calculate the carbon footprint of industrial activities at every stage of their life cycles, including urban-planning master plans, recycling activities, project and building stages as well as managing and manufacturing. Discussing the main preventative and corrective measures that can be utilized, it includes case studies, reports on technological developments and examples of successful policies to provide inspiration to readers. This book collects the contributions of authors from four continents, in order to analyze from as many as possible points of view and using many different approaches, the problem of sustainability in today's globalized world.
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