You are looking at a set of BRAND NEW, ORIGINAL  Japanese Drama box set. Japanese Languages with Traditional/Simplified Chinese Selectable Subtitles.

*This is All Regional Code DVD. It can be played in US DVD player as well as any type or region DVD player from the world!

*Traditional/Simplified Chinese Subtitle can be switched off. It is off by default unless you turn it on.

* 2 Single Sided DVD Box Set

* Special Features:
  • Chapters Selection
  • Widescreen
  • Making Of Ganges Gawa De Butterly
  • Tour India With Kudo Kankuro & Takano Teruko
  • Intro To India
  • Interview With Nagasawa Masami
  • Interview With Tsukamoto Takashi
  • Press Conference
  • Trailers

Title: Ganges Gawa De Butterfly  DVD

STARRING: Nagasawa Masami, Tsukamoto Takashi, Arakawa Yoshiyoshi, Nakatani Miki

BRIEF SUMMARY:   Teruko, a third year university student, comes across as a forthright and sunny girl but is in truth a rather timid person. She's also the sort who easily gets carried away and does things impetuously only to regret her actions later. Influenced by her older brother who has taken to wandering the world, Teruko too hopes to make her own journey one day but she lacks the courage, content to live the life of a normal university student ... However, she's also plagued with the insecurity of having done nothing she can be proud of in her lifetime, and mustering all her courage embarks on a solo trip to India ... While in India, she meets a fellow backpacker, Shingo. Teruko first regards Shingo as a frivolous person but as his encouraging words clear her hesitation and touches her, she falls in love with him. Then, Teruko plans to head to Bodh Gaya to see India's biggest festival but Shingo


劇 名﹕在恆河裡游蝶泳 DVD

劇 情﹕ 故事講述一名女大學三年生照子(長澤雅美飾),為了自己的前途而感到迷茫.由於自己沒有任何值得誇耀之事,因此在就職面試時,不知何解突然說謊表示自己曾在印度的恆河中游泳.照子的哥哥亦曾到海外作放浪之旅,因此作出了「蝶式謊言」的照子,決定一個人到印度旅行,實現自己的承諾.可是到了印度之後,卻是人生路不熟.後來照子在印度遇上一名同樣到印度旅行的日本男子(松本高史飾)男子給予照子不少意見,然而男子卻帶同照子的行李一同消失.一路向著恆河進發的照子,在途中再遇上一家親切的印度人,她看到印度家庭的母親過著艱辛的生活,又見識到當地保守的社會制度,令她大開眼界.最後照子終於到達恆河.雖然她已習慣了印度的生活,可是卻未有跳到恆河的決心. 透過影片可以看到印度的人民似乎很隨域而安!哪怕是公車壞了,大家都很自然的 在一邊休息等車用好,就算是睡一覺也沒差!照子適應了印度生活後 自由自在的在路上奔跑,躍身一跳跳進恆河蝶泳!她帶著一種滿意、自足回到日本 那種自信是經過一番歷練、學習與融合的結果!


演 員: 長澤雅美, 塚本高史, 中谷美紀




The picture shows the actual item. What you see is what you get!!!