Michelangelo Lapi

Vita del servo di Dio D. Torivio Alfonso Mogrovejo

Roma, Tinassi




Michelangelo Lapi, Vita del servo di Dio D. Torivio Alfonso Mogrovejo, Roma, Tinassi, 1655

Copia da studio, mancante di una incisione (antiporta).

La seconda carta di tavole è il ritr. calcogr. di San Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo, inciso da Guillaume Vallet a Roma.

Gore alle prima carte e, più leggere, nella parte sterna degli ultimi fascicoli, qualche sporadica macchiolina, piccola mancanza  a pagina 157 (circa 1 cm) ma le carte sono ancora fresche e fruscianti ed impreziosite da bei capilettera su fondo nero (vedi foto).


Legatura moderna in mezza tela. Piatti in cartone.

Pagine: 4 + una incisione +  297 + 7.

Il libro dovrebbe avere   8 + 297 + 7 e due incisioni. Missing first leaves and one plate.

Misura:  cm 20,5 x  cm 14,5

Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo (16 November 1538 – 23 March 1606) was a Spanish prelate of the Catholic Church who served as the Archbishop of Lima from 1579 until his death.[1] He first studied in the humanities and law before serving as a professor and later as the Grand Inquisitor at the behest of King Philip II. His piety and learning had reached the ears of the king who appointed him to that position which was considered unusual since he had no previous government or judicial experience.[1][2] His noted work for the Inquisition earned him praise from the king who nominated him for the vacant Lima archdiocese. The pope confirmed this despite his protests.[3]

Mogrovejo was ordained to the priesthood in 1578 and was later consecrated as an archbishop in 1580 before setting off for Peru to begin his mission. He was a noted and charismatic preacher who set about baptizing and catechizing the natives while confirming almost half a million people; these included Rose of Lima and Martin de Porres.[1][2] The archbishop was a staunch advocate for archdiocesan reform and set to work reforming the diocesan priests from impurities and scandals while instituting new educational procedures for seminaries.[3][4]

He predicted the exact date and hour of his death. His reputation for holiness and learning was never forgotten, and it led to calls for his canonization. Pope Innocent XI beatified the late archbishop and Pope Benedict XIII canonized him as a saint on 10 December 1726.[1][3] Mogrovejo is also honored as a saint in the United States Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Communion. (wikipedia).


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