Grade A - Yemeni Sidr Honey

~ Stockists of top quality Yemeni & Kashmiri Sidr honey since 2009 in London & Online. For more information regarding EID Al Adha 2024 discounts on sizes of (A)1kg=£100, (B)500g=£55 & (C)250g=£30 please contact us on 07931000226~

We are a trusted seller of the Sidr honey & have sold to 1000's of customers across the UK, Europe and Middle east (On-line/Local/retail/wholesale). We pride ourselves in stocking only HIGH QUALITY Organic, Unpasteurised, Unadulterated honey that takes longer to crystallise compared to other types of honey & does not have an expiry date. 

Over the years we have tasted / tested various samples & grades of honey from the UK & other countries, but feel we have a far superior honey in terms of quality (taste, smell, texture & strength). Because of this refined & specific taste in making sure the quality of the 'SIDR' honey is right, we are confident that you will not be disappointed with the honey.


Specific Description of this Honey:

Taste & StrengthIt has a strong & distinct taste of the Sidr pollen, that is described as orange/caramel/Sidr in taste - It has a slight burn (varies from person to person) at the back of the throat when swallowed. No 'organic' or off-the-shelf honey from the UK tastes like this in comparison, truly an amazing natural resource. 

Texture: Our honey has a thick texture compared to any UK 'organic' / off-the-shelf supermarket honey. The thickness is compared to almost like chewy thick caramel. One of the few organic Honey's in the the world, that prolongs crystalisation. 

Colour: Our honey is golden yellow in colour when extracted from the hive, & can slowly darken as it matures.

SmellIt has a very distinct smell of Sidr which is a very deep, sweet, slightly warm honey smell.


Origins & Info Regarding this Honey

This Honey is from the region of Hadhramaut in the country of Yemen which is located in the southern Arabian peninsula. The honey has been collected from the hives that usually yearn small amounts of honey hence being scarce & ultimately being high in value. It is the most expensive food product that comes out of the country. 

The honey has STRICTLY not been mixed with any other substances such as sugar, syrup or other artificial/preservatives. It has also not been pasteurised (exposed to extreme heat) as this destroys the natural properties/enzymes of the honey. It is a monofloral honey which means the flavour comes from only the nectar of one plant species (Lote Tree, Jujube Tree, Christ?s thorn or Nabkh Tree).

Sidr honey from Yemen is UNANIMOUSLY agreed upon to be the 'Best Sidr Honey in the World' compared to Sidr from other countries (i.e. Spain | Iran | Kashmir | Morocco | Pakistan | etc.). Just try this Honey & you will undoubtedly agree (like many many others have) that this is the best honey that you will ever have had. 

NOTE: The weight is in honey only (which is always measured slightly over) & the honey can be sent in different plastic canisters/jars that may be different to what is shown in the pictures. The honey will be dispatched 1 working day after purchase on a recorded delivery after payment has cleared via Pay Pal.


Summary of the Honey: 

The Flower of the Lote tree also known as Christ?s thorn/Jujube - Sidr tree (Arab), Bari/Ber tree (Pak/India), Hunnap Tree (Turkish), Henup Tree (Bulgaria) ZufZuf Tree (Morocco), Annub tree (Lebanon/Iran) is where the ?Monofloral? honey is derived from. It has many natural properties used for many cures that are listed below. The Fruits of Sidr trees are found to have a very high-energy value. Only dates, figs, raisins, & a few other dried fruits have a higher value. The seeds are rich in protein & the leaves in Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium.

The Sidr honey from Yemen tastes better than those from other areas because the soil in Yemen is richer. Yemen's beekeepers are strict in ensuring the honey's purity & potency would rather allow their bees to die than to feed them with sugary syrup. Typically, bees of a certain hive make 37,000 trips just to make half a kilo of honey but bees fed solely on the nectar of the Sidr flower die after making about 3 trips! The weaker bees cannot withstand the potency of the nectar of this remarkable tree.


In addition here is a short list of the common ailments that can be treated with Sidr Honey as well as the medical reasons for which my customers have bought in the past;

Heart Disease | Cancer | Skin Infections/burns/Cuts/Pimples | Stomach ulcer/upset | Spiritual demonic possession | Bladder Infections | Cholesterol | Colds | Infertility | Immune System | Indigestion | Influenza | Fatigue Arthritis | Hair Loss | Toothache | Weight Loss| Bad Breath | Hearing Loss | Bed-Wetting | Constipation | Accidents