The Sealux30 Strip is a 100mm wide, 0.5mm thick waterproof membrane. The strip is part fleeced to provide mechanical adhesion with approved sealant adhesives, thin set mortars and liquid applied waterproofing compounds.

The strip is revolutionary in design not just because it has a 30mm wide fleece-free red tinged surface that provides a tenacious adhesion with Sealux-N silicone (or equivalent), but the strip is also reversible making it a versatile sealing solution that can be installed either during or after the installation of baths and shower trays with and without tile upstands attached.

When the Sealux30 strip is installed to seal a shower tray or bath with an integral tile upstand, the red tinged surface of the strip faces the tile upstand. When the strip is installed to seal a shower tray or bath with no tiling upstand, the red tinged surface faces the shower tray or bath.

A Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Bed pre-applied on to the back of the Sealux13 strip provides the installer with an opportunity to align and hang the strip in the correct position on the wall before folding it back and permanently bonding it in position with an adhesive.

Sealux-N Sealant Adhesive is a low modulus neutral curing sanitary sealant adhesive, it is the only silicone tested and approved by Sealux for installation with HydroHALT. Sealux-N is highly elastic and capable of tenacious adhesion to the red tinged siliconized surface of the Sealux30 strip. 

Smart Sealant Spatula is serrated on one side for spreading Sealux-N on the wall while the opposite side has two splayed corners, one of which is for rubbing up Sealux-N applied into the joint between the HydroHALT strip and side wall and the other of which is angled to provide a sealant fillet profile when HydroHALT is installed over a ledge.

Surface Cleaning Wipes are saturated in 100% isopropyl alcohol to ensure a clean surface for a strong Sealux-N sealant bond with the shower tray or bath side wall. The Instruction Sheets provide clear guidance in respect of installing HydroHALT during installation of a new shower tray or bath, into an existing joint around a shower tray or bath or over a ledge.