Organic Alfalfa&Broccoli Seeds for Sprouting_Microgreens_

Green Salad_Healthy_SUPERFOOD

Sprouts are edible baby plants, at their peak of nutritional goodness. Sprouts are harvested after just 3-6 days, which makes them highly concentrated sources of nutrition. This process releases all the nutrition contained inside the seed. Sprouts are brimming with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, as well as plant compounds that can be converted into hormones to balance our blood sugar levels, moods, energy levels and improve gut bacteria.
Sprouting seeds is (and are) superb. Most of these organic gems sprout in just a few days and all have an excellent nutritional profile. Just a small pack of wheatgrass, beetroot, broccoli, red clover or alfalfa seeds uses hardly any cupboard space but will last you for ages. It’s easy: sprinkle them into water as directed and you’ll be biting into crisp, home-grown greenery in no time! What better way to get extra-fresh and super healthy salad greens whenever you want them?

About Organic Alfalfa&Broccoli Seeds for Sprouting

One of our most popular mixes, our organic alfalfa and broccoli seed combines tasty alfalfa with the awesome nutritional qualities of broccoli. A great way to get your Broccoli fix, we often throw this on rice cakes, crackers, in pitta breads and salads.

Alfalfa is full of vitamins and minerals, with concentrated amounts of calcium, vitamin K and vitamin C. Broccoli is one of the most nutritious sprouts you can get, packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. It is an incredibly rich source of Sulforaphane. According to research, it contains up to 50 times the Sulforaphane found in mature, vegetable Broccoli, and more than Kale, Cauliflower and Cabbage.

10g of seed will produce approximately 100g of sprouts in 4 – 5 days.

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight!

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