"Attitude" || Original || Matt Zedler Masterwork Series || $500.00

Today's newsletter is about a sketch artwork entitled "Attitude."

This particular piece was created on 9 x 12" archival paper using a black ink pen and pastel pencil.

This artwork was created in 2016. I have created over 500 figurative artworks in the past 20+ years, since the early 2000's.

We have all heard it a million times, a good attitude is the key to happiness. If this was an easy task, we would be living in a far different world than the one we live in.

These days, the challenge to maintain a good attitude seems as tough as ever. Whether it be about our battles to try and save grand mother earth, the expanding human and political divides, economics, health, love, compassion, kindness...and so on.

But yet, - on those days we wake up on the wrong side of the bed...we do our corrective thinking. Coming back to place of optimism, of potential, - and of seeing beauty again.

Of Caring..about the whole, - and not of us singularly.

Remembering as well that because "our little world" seems to be in good shape, - the world as a whole is not.

It needs help, - and lot's of work.
It needs more good vibes.
And it all starts with "Good Deeds"..both large and small.

Do a "Good Deed" Today! ..whether it be large or small..

One of now over 3,000 drawings & sketches offered by Modern Artist/Painter, ~ Matthew Zedler 

See Website: www.zedlerfineart.com