Swimbladder Treatment Plus - 100ml

Treats swimbladder infections.

Bacterial infection of the swimbladder causes fish to lose control of their buoyancy which results in severe stress and untimely death. Swim bladder treatment destroys the bacteria that causes the infections.


1ml of Swimbladder Treatment + treats 20L (this is a 4 dose treatment, repeat dose on days 4, 8 and 12)

Anti White Spot Plus - 100ml

Cure white spot disease.

White Spot is a parasitic infection, the white spot is a cyst in which the adult parasite develops.

Anti White Spot destroys the free-swimming stage of the white spot life cycle. As this is the only stage of the life cycle affected by the treatment the product remains active for several days, ensuring the free-swimming parasites are destroyed as they emerge.


1ml of Anti White Spot + treats 10L (repeat treatment after 4 days)

Anti Crustacean Parasite Plus - 100ml

Eradicate visible parasites for a healthier aquarium.

Anti Crustacean Parasite will eradicate anchor worm, fish lice, gill maggots and fish leeches from your aquarium. If left untreated these parasites will cause life threatening damage so should be eradicated quickly.


1ml of Anti Crustacean Parasite treats 5L (secondary dose to remove leeches can be added after 7 days and a 30% water change)

Green Away - 125ml

Clear away ugly green water with this specialist treatment.

Green Away clumps the individual suspended particles together so that they become trapped in the filter or sink to the bottom and removed during a water change.

Excessive light or nutrients stimulate an unsightly and potentially dangerous algae bloom in aquariums, which can affect oxygen and pH level, making the water highly alkaline and potentially dangerous for fish.


1ml of Green Away treats 5ml (1.1gal)

Disease Away - 100ml

Prevent disease outbreaks for a healthier aquarium community - previously known as Interpet General Tonic, No. 5.

once a month treatment

reduces levels of diesease causing bacreria, fungas and parasites

safe for tropical and coldwater aquariums

treats 500 litres

Anti Parasite, Slime & Velvet Plus - 100ml

Eradicates flukes and protozoa.

Fish often carry a small population of skin and gill parasites. When fish are stressed, this population will rapidly increase, endangering the fish's life.

Anti Parasite Slime and Velvet + will eradicate velvet, flukes and protozon parasites from your aquarium during the free swimming stage of their life cycle.


1ml of Anti Parasite Slime and Velvet + treats 5L

Anti Internal Bacteria Plus - 100ml

Treat systemic bacteria infections.

Internal systematic bacterial infections are a common cause of death in aquarium fish, previously only treatable with veterinary prescribed antibiotics

Anti Internal Bacteria is a breakthrough non-prescription product, which halts the progress of bacterial problems within your aquarium and prevents them spreading.


1ml of Anti Internal Bacteria + treats 10L (repeat treatment after 4 days)

GoldFish Disease Treatment Plus - 100ml

Keep your goldfish healthier with this all-in-one treatment.

Goldfish Disease Treatment + is a safe, effective, way to treat most Goldfish diseases caused by bacteria, fungus and parasites.


1ml of Goldfish Disease Treatment + treats 5L

Anti Hair Algae - 125ml

Kills hair algae in your aquarium for a better-looking, healthier aquarium.

Effectively kills off hair algae with no effect to plants or fish.

Hair Algae, whether it is green, black or brown, is an unsightly nuisance in your aquarium. It will grow on any surface and prevent plants from flourishing.

Anti Hair Algae makes key nutrients unavailable and starves the algae

Hair Algae thrives when there is excess light and nutrients available.


1ml of Anti Hair Algae treats 9L (2gals)

Bioactive Tapsafe - 50ml -125ml - 250ml - 500ml

Make tap water safe for your goldfish.

Remove toxins and chlorine from tap water for happier, healthier fish while adding vital good bacteria to help balance your water quality.

Bioactive Tapsafe plus neutralises chlorine and any heavy metals present in tap water as they are harmful to fish and damage delicate skin and gill membranes.

Tapsafe instantly protects your fish in 5 ways:

• Neutralises Chlorine
• Breaks down Chloramine
• Locks up toxic metals
• Adds Aloe Vera which protects and heals delicate skin and gills
• Boosts good bacteria to keep the aquarium healthy and clean


1ml of Bioactive Tapsafe plus treats 9L (2gals)

Anti Fungus & Finrot Plus - 100ml

Cures fungus, mouthrot and finrot.

Finrot, mouthrot, mouth fungus and cotton wool disease are common diseases of aquarium fish. Anti Fungus and Finrot treats affected fish and prevents the disease spreading in your aquarium which could lead to fish death.


1ml of Anti Fungus and Finrot + treats 5L

Aqualibrium First Aid Salt - 265g -780g

Support sick and stressed fish for a happier and healthier aquarium community.

With built-in pH buffer to support a healthy balance.

Aqualibrium First Aid Salt is a unique physiological salt formula which helps freshwater fish maintain a constant internal salt/fluid balance. This is particularly useful when fish are stressed or sick because the salt/fluid balance inside the fish can be negatively effected threatening the fish's welfare.

Aqualibrium First Aid Salt Additive is one of the fish keeper's most versatile treatments. It can be used in a variety of ways:

• As a general aquarium tonic
• As a mild pH buffer (also reducing the toxicity of Nitrite)
• To help minimise the effects of stress on aquarium fish
• As a supportive measure when treating for disease