Buy fresh black winter truffles from Australia for home or professional kitchens

The famed perigord black truffle.  Grown in the western forests of Australia, France, Bulgaria and other regions of the world. Black winter truffles are prized by some of the worlds most famous chefs. Black winter truffles are known the across the world for their flavor, aroma and strict attention to detail when harvesting. It is the second most valuable truffle in the world. To describe these truffles is quite difficult, one might say the aroma is rich, earthy, with pungent tones. The scientific name for this truffle is Tuber Melanosporum also known as Perigord truffle or tartufo nero in Italy. It is an edible fungus that grows on the roots of oak and hazelnut trees. 

Facts about purchasing Black Winter Truffles from Slofoodgroup

Storage, use and shelf life of these black truffles

Pèrigord black truffles are a fresh product. As the case with all fresh products, proper handling, storage, and temperatures should be maintained to ensure  product integrity.  Always store truffles in an airtight container wrapped in a towel or soft paper cloth to reduce moisture build up and keep refrigerated at 33.8 to 39.2 degrees °F (1°C to 4°C). As any fresh product, spoilage may occur from time to time. This is quite rare. Fresh truffles are best consumed within 5-7 days. 

Please review terms and conditions for all fresh truffle products.

Available seasonally