This is a complete Cardfight Vanguard V Deck.

Bermuda Triangle -Refiarade Deck

Grade 0: (17 Cards + 4 Free)
1 Bermuda Triangle Cadet, Riviere
4 Dockin' Shooter, Pellea (Crit)
4 Lover Hope, Rina (Crit)
4 Direct Sign, Pursh (Crit)
4 Handmade Lover, Elena (Heal)
4 Gliterry Baby, Lene (RR Draw, Sentinel)

Grade 1: (14 Cards + 5 Free)
4 Mermaid Idol, Riviere (RR)
4 Equable Career, Spiana (R)
4 Gleeful Mode, Tavia (R)
4 Loftiest Pier, Evge (R)
3 Mermaid Idol, Sedna (PR)

Grade 2: (12 Cards + 8 Free)
4 Super Idol, Riviere (RR)
4 Choco Lover Heart, Liselotte (R)
4 Scramble Red, Eilend (R)
4 Sporty Idol, Innes (RR)
4 Top Idol, Aqua (PR)

Grade 3: (7 Cards)
2 Top Idol, Riviere (RRR)
1 Top Idol, Riviere (SVR)
4 Animated Rooting, Marijan (R)

Other: (2 Cards)
2 Imaginary Gift Marker: Force

Sleeves/ Deck Box not included.

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Domestic Buyers can arrange for a cheaper fee (due to shipment) by sending me a message.
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Send me a message for any questions please.
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