Wooden Chakra Balancing Pendulum Dowsing Board PB05

You are buying 1 Chakra Balancing Pendulum Board measuring 20 cm in diameter and approximately 3 mm in thickness.

It is finally here! We have finally made a pendulum board!! This is probably the item that we have received most requests for from our customers. So we sent out our team and did our research, combined with our many decades of experience (we DO have the world’s biggest range of pendulums after all!), we came up with several designs for the perfect pendulum boards. Click here to see all the designs.


1. Before starting, make sure that you have already trained your pendulum and that it responds to you. Use the correct power crystals and pendulum for the task at hand.

2. Every person connects differently to crystals, find out your best crystals for each of your Chakra points and use these. Place your best Chakra crystal corresponding to the Chakra point you want to explore on its Chakra symbol at the bottom of the board. A power crystal pyramid or generator can also be put in the middle of the board to concentrate and channel the cosmic energies. Don’t worry if the item you put in the middle is bigger than the circle, you just need to know the board and what answers are lying under the item you put on top.

3. Place some power crystals in the 4 corners of the board to help empower the cosmic energies around the board. Obelisks and pencil points are very good for this purpose.

4. You are ready to start. Take your time to clear your mind, meditation can help, make sure that you are completely comfortable. Pick up your pendulum and hover it over the centre point of the board, concentrate, and let the pendulum take over.

5. Repeat for each of your Chakra point by placing their corresponding crystals on the Chakra symbols at the bottom of the board.

Don’t get frustrated or disheartened if you don’t get your answers right away. It just means that you have not established a connection with the cosmic energies yet, just try again later. The answers you get may also be different each time, you are asking at a different point in time after all, the situations have changed.

Internal code: PB05