Fucoxanthin is a marine carotenoid that is naturally found in various types of brown algae. It is a pigment that gives seaweed its dark green or sometimes brown color. While it is an effective pigment for the algae in which it is found, it is much more useful to humans for its health benefits when consumed. Fucoxanthin has been the focus of many studies over the last few decades that have primarily covered its potential capabilities of promoting weight loss. While these are the effects that have been studied the most, fucoxanthin has also been found in some studies to be an effective antioxidant and promote a healthy cardiovascular system.

Effects are not immediate since Fucoxanthin needs to be held in fat cells for a fairly long time, so users should wait between 8 and 15 weeks to start to see steady results in terms of weight loss. Fucoxanthin is not a stimulant and is considered very safe and effective.

This seaweed extract contains 10.2% Fucoxanthin and it is extracted from Laminaria Japonica. The daily dosage for this extract is 24mg-80mg per day. A microscoop that holds approximately 10mg will be included with every order. The suggested daily dose of Fucoxanthin correlates to between 3 and 8 scoops of the powder. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about any of this information.