Rolex Daytona Manual Winding

The ultimate book about manual winding Rolex Daytona  
SIZE: 25.5 x 31.5 cm
ISBN: 978-88-94972-13-9
LANGUAGES: English, Italian
REALIZED: in Italy
AUTHORS: Franca and Guido Mondani
PAGES: 192

For those of us who consider themselves to be “modern dinosaurs” of the watch market, it is not only an honor to cooperate in such an important edition, but it is also a stimulating and exciting challenge, full of new discoveries. This publication reflects perfectly the requirements of today’s market: it contains the most detailed information one can find and wish for. 

 Indeed, we “modern dinosaurs” remain rooted in the concept of serious work, in a reputation, which is built day after day. We believe in those who have signed the most important books in the world of watches for years, but we are constantly growing and developing in order to always remain up to date with modern times, or rather be ahead of our time!

 As watch dealers, we use social networks, we communicate with our clients on Whatsapp, we organize conference calls on Skype, we use innovative platforms, we subscribe to forums and follow blogs, but we never forget to maintain professionalism and “traditional” values. Let’s not forget that internet, without which we couldn’t live or work, is also the home of the greatest frauds; let’s not forget that nowadays everyone is talking, many even only to attract attention, but only few really know what they are talking about. And let’s not forget: we, the people, are the ones who make the world go round.

We are proud and happy to contribute through our name and our knowledge to a pillar of the worldwide watch sector and we are sure that this work will fully satisfy the expectations of those, who like us, are constantly looking for the best! Right now you will obtain 28,700,000 results when you enter the word “Daytona” on the internet, but it just means one thing to us watch enthusiasts: the most famous Rolex of all times! Today we have the possibility to see millions of Daytona watches on the internet: real, fake, modern, vintage, with original and coeval parts, customized, intact, and in a thousand other ways… Now, after having completed your search on the internet, flip through these pages, written and illustrated after years of work and research and let us know, whether you have ever seen Daytona watches in this way… We bet you haven’t! Dear friends, “researchers” of excellence, we wish you a pleasant reading! 

-Paolo Spinello, Gabriele e Manuel Vittozzi I SIGNORI DEL TEMPO
