starring Lloyd Bridges, Shirley Jones, Booth Coleman, Jeff Bridges, Cloris Leachman, Carrie Snodgrass
Review by Alex Bartosh
  Over the Christmas holidays in a small New England college town, a man and a woman share a brief interlude. He is there to visit his wife, who is a mental patient at the university where she pleads for an annulment so her husband can "move on". He keeps refusing until pressure builds up and he finally gives in to the annulment. 
  Concurrently, Shirley Jones is there visiting her son, who is a student, after discovering her husband's infidelity. Both are alone on Christmas Eve in neighboring hotel "bed & board" rooms.
  Gradually they become acquainted and turn to each other while resisting the obvious "affair". The story is essentially a romantic "problem play" about the old values of love and marriage vs. the "new age flower power" free love with no commitment that was so prevalent in the late 1960's.
 7/10 Drama of marriage conflicts set during the Holidays Review by “SimonJack23” courtesy I.m.d.b.
"Silent Night, Lonely Night" is another drama that takes place at Christmas time. The holiday setting is what brings one of the principal characters to the story. That, and the dour doldrums some people have when they are alone at such times, are the main aspects that fit this into the genre of Christmas films. Otherwise, it's not one that most people would want to replay over the holiday season.
  That's not to say this isn't a good film. Indeed, it is a very good drama about a very likely real life situation similar to what any number of people may have experienced. For that reason, it is a very good study in human emotions. It's a good drama about family tragedy, illness, fidelity and infidelity. It's a story about betrayal, loyalty, loneliness, guilt, forgiveness and temptation. Lloyd Bridges and Shirley Jones play the leads very well.
  Being a heavy drama, the film's pace may put many people off. Especially younger, modern audiences who have been weened mostly on non-stop action movies. But, for those willing to sit through it, this movie will present a good picture of personal conflict in trying times of marriage. It really strikes at the meaning of the traditional marriage vow of fidelity in sickness and health, good times and bad, and for better or worse.
 10/10 A guilty pleasure Review by “SpellingAddict9” courtesy I.m.d.b.
  I've loved this TV movie from the first time I saw it. The reason I now think of it as a "guilty pleasure" is that, since it was made in 1969, it's now quite dated and I think I'd be embarrassed now if I were caught watching the characters in their dated clothes, language, etc. But underneath the surface, it is a very mature, compassionate and moving story. Very touching. The sex scenes are almost hard to watch, they're so intimate and real. I think it's a timeless story. Lloyd Bridges was a hunk!!
ABOUT THE PRINT - 16mm / Sound / Color (faded Eastman stock) / no main titles, abrupt end title but otherwise complete /Eastman stock so priced accordingly.
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