The Nemean Lion

The story goes that the Greek goddess Hera trained and cared for the Nemean Lion personally. It was said that while angry at Zeus, she sent the lion to guard one of his temples in Nemea. With the lion there, people couldn't worship Zeus at the shrine, thus lessening his power. The lion spent most of its time lurking on the mountain of Tretos. He was vicious, possessing huge, sharp teeth and skin that could not be penetrated by any sword, spear, or arrow. He was also cunning. The lion would lure warriors to his den by kidnapping women that he would use as bait. When a brave hunter showed up to rescue the damsels, the Nemean Lion would pounce and devour him.

The Greek Oracle of Delphi instructed Hercules to go and serve king Eurystheus, as atonement for a grievous sin. The king devised a series of tasks intended to end Hercules.

The tasks were known as the Twelve Labors of Hercules. The 1st of these labors was to slay the invincible Nemean Lion.

Using his legendary strength, Hercules tested the armor like hide of the lion by firing arrows at it, with no effect. Hercules then followed the lion to its den, and under the cover of darkness, crept up on it and a titanic battle ensued. After much struggle, wrapping his arms about the legendary beasts’ neck and mane, Hercules was able use his godlike strength to choke the beast to its death.