French Indo-Chine Post Offices in China--

Stamps of Guangzhou (Canton) Post Office:
CAN.5 Stamps of CAN.4 Re-Overprinted with English Value 法属安南在华邮局-- 安南在广州邮局邮票: 安广5 安广4再加盖英文币值邮票 Serial No.: CAN.5 Sc#692-698 Years: 1919

Stamps of Chongqing (Chungking) Post Office:
CHUNG.3 Woman Design Issue Overprinted with “TCHONGKING” and Surcharged 法属安南在华邮局-- 安南在重庆邮局邮票: 安重3 安南妇女图加盖“TCHONGKING”改值邮票 Serial No.: CHUNG.3 Sc#806 Years: 1908

CHUNG.4 Stamps of CHUNG.3 Re-Overprinted with English Denominatio法属安南在华邮局-- 安南在重庆邮局邮票: 安重4 安重3再加盖英文币值邮票 Serial No.: CHUNG.4 Sc#821-824 Years: 1919

Stamps of Beihai (Packhoi) Post Office:
Pack.3 Woman Design Issue Overprinted with “PACKHOI” and Surcharged 法属安南在华邮局-- 安南在北海邮局邮票: 安北3 安南妇女图加盖“PACK HOI”改值邮票 Serial No.: Pack.3 Sc#736 Years: 1908

Stamps of Kunming (Yunnan fou) Post Office:
YUN.3 Woman Design Issue Overprinted with “MONGTFOU” 法属安南在华邮局-- 安南在云南府邮局邮票: 安云3 安南妇女图加盖“YUNNANFOU”改值邮票 Serial No.: YUN.3 Sc#506 Years: 1908

YUN.4 Stamps of YUN.3 Re-overprinted with English Value 法属安南在华邮局-- 安南在云南府邮局邮票: 安云4 安云3再加盖英文币值邮票 Serial No.: YUN.4 Sc#525-535 Years: 1919

French Post Offices in China--

FR.6 1st Surcharges on “CHINE” Issue 法国在华邮局-- 法6 特印“CHINE”第一次加盖改值邮票 Serial No.: Fr.6 Sc#385 Years: 1907

FR.7 2nd Surcharges on “CHINE” Issue 法国在华邮局-- 法7 特印“CHINE”第二次加盖改值邮票 Serial No.: Fr.7 Sc#395-396 Years: 1911,  

Sell in this package and Stamp Grades --

CAN.5 4 old of (17-7), (17-8), (17-12) & (17-13); 

CHUNG.3 1 old (17-4); CHUNG.4 1 mint (17-2) & 1 old (17-5); 

Pack.3 1 old (17-1); 

YUN.3 1 old (17-3); YUN.4 4 mint of (17-12), (17-13) & (17-15), 1 old (17-5); 

Fr.6 2 old (8-5); Fr.7 2 old of (8-1) & (8-2); 

5 mint & 12 stamps in total.

中国邮票 Many China Postal stamps from my 50+ years Collection:

from Qing Dynasty 清朝; ROC (Republic of China) 中华民国, included ROC in the Mainland, Tibet Local stamps 西藏, ROC in Taiwan 台湾; PRC (People's Republic of China) 中华人民共和国, included Liberated Areas 解放区, Mainland after 1949 中国大陆, Hong Kong 香港 and Macao 澳门; Special Areas, included Commercial Ports 商埠, Foreign Postal stamps in China 外国在华邮局, Puppet regimes 伪政权

All genuine stamps of Mint, CTO (Canceled-to-Order), used, FDC (First Day Cover), special stamps, Souvenir Sheet (S.S., S/S), year stamp album, stamp booklet and more.

I have almost all but only one each for most in my stamps collection, some were sold out already and I will list all real photo pictures gradually on this website.

Note: The China, USA, Soviet Union and other worldwide Stamps I list gradually in this website store are my personal collection for more than 50 years. All photo pictures are unique from the real stamps, NOT  a sample photo or copies from other sources and I sell it AS IT. Please check the photos and read the Descriptions in section "Sell in this package and Stamp Grades" careful before buying. Most stamps in my collection (more than 10 thousand stamps) have only one set or only one piece. They are guaranteed the Genuine in my knowledge from stamp collection of 50+ years. I do NOT accept return because there is no way to identify the returned just as my items.