Real Alien abductions, or CIA mind control experiments, or military assisted alien abductions? The secret black ops need people to think that aliens will be coming here to kill us, but maybe the aliens are here to help us not destroy us, they could have done that at any time! Humans have been using mind control on fellow humans for decades using implants and energy mind control weapons and even HAARP! Aliens do not need human created mind control technology because they use their own interdimensional technology to scan and read human minds! Discover what covert military science is capable of creating and employing in psychological warfare! Also be aware that that the black ops world of science has not only successfully reverse engineered alien craft back in the early '50s but also have developed hybridized ETs that look like Greys and Reptilians. These PLFs (Programmable Life Forms) are used to pilot these fake alien craft known as ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles.) Many people who claim to have experienced alien abduction or to have received grey alien information haven't factored in how they are able to be in close contact with these aliens without cross contamination of alien viruses to humans or vice versa, giving that our world is currently in a global viral pandemic? And consider that those aliens in alien encounters were not real aliens because it always seems to be the PLF Greys that people are encountering! This information from secret files will amaze you and let you discover what’s really going on!

123 Large 8-1/2" X 11" pages, and are plastic spindle bound so they lay flat for easy studying. This is the same style used for top secret government reports. Plus, the contents also resemble something you would find in a top-secret report! ISBN 9781513695273. You will get a brand-new copy rushed to you direct from the publisher!

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