25 seeds Delphinium consolida, Blush Pink Larkspur

This new variety with light pink double bloom flowers, has strong stems for cutting and A annual plant for border and long lasting in water. (1 - 1.2m)

How to Grow Delphinium or Larkspur

Delphinium, or Larkspur, shoots are a delicacy for slugs. Delphiniums break through the ground in March and without prevention slugs will devour every one of them.

Delphiniums can be sown in Autumn for over wintering or in early Spring or Summer. Sow Larkspur seed onto the surface of an open seed sowing compost. Cover the seeds with a layer of vermiculite, and cover trays with polythene to maintain humidity until the first seedlings are visible. Place in a polythene bag and pop in the fridge at 4°C for 3 weeks then remove to warmth for germination, ideal temp. 15-18°C. Germination normally takes around 1 - 2 months at 15-18oC. In the summer when temperatures are higher than this find a position as cool and shaded as possible for the seed tray.

Once the seedlings are large enough to handle transplant into individual 3 inch pots and grow on spring sown seedlings at 10-15oC, or as cool as possible for summer sowings.

Autumn sown seed should be kept in pots for over-wintering Once the plant goes into winter dormancy keep dry and frost free in a garage, greenhouse or a porch over winter then when green shoots appear in Spring water the plant and keep it in a well lit, frost free area ready for planting out in May.

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