Discorso Sopra La Castrametatione, Et Disciplina Militare De Romani...Et Tradotto in Lingua Toscana Per M. Gabriel Symeoni

Author: Du Choul, Guillaume; S. Guglielmo Choul; Translated By Gabriel Symeoni [or Simeoni]
Title: Discorso Sopra La Castrametatione, Et Disciplina Militare De Romani...Et Tradotto in Lingua Toscana Per M. Gabriel Symeoni
Publication: Lyons: Guglielmo Rovillio, 1556

Description: Full old vellum quarto (12.5 inches, 32 cm), (16), 102 (2) 38 (2) pp., lacking folding table, and some copies both in libraries and at auctions cite 9 or 10 unnumbered pp. at the end, but others, including the Newbery Library copy, collate as ours does. Binding is good plus -- some bowing, stains, small ink notes, old vellum reinforcement to corners, contents VG; two leaves (27/28 & 29/30) have short tears at bottom that have been neatly mended, there is occasional foxing and small stains and a bit of horizontal waviness to text, a bit more pronounced toward the end of the text. Although most bibliographers count 43 nearly full page woodcuts, we have counted 44, and there are numerous woodcut head- and tail-pieces and initial letters. A very handsome book. Good.

Seller ID: H8815

Subject: Military History

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