Car Trunk Separator Storage Bag

 Are you sick and tired of neatly placing everything in your boot, only to open it up after your journey to find everything out of place or potentially damaged? With this Boot Organiser your efforts will not be in vain!

It sticks on firmly to the bottom of your boot via velcro and has two large divided sections, one of which contains insulation. With the insulated compartment, that also seals shut with velcro, you can keep your milk, fruit, veg and other groceries fresher for longer as you drive back from the store. It also includes a front facing side pocket that you can keep smaller valuables safely sealed inside. It's even constructed from a high quality wear resistant material.

It has a loop strap that makes pulling the bag out simple and it folds down into a small package when not in use. When you get this Organiser Bag, you won't believe that you never had one before!


Folded Length: 132CM
Folded Width: 28CM
Folded Depth: 4CM
Open Length: 44CM
Open Width: 34CM
Open Height: 23CM
Insulate Compartment Length x Width: 32CM x 22CM
Second Compartment Length x Width: 30CM x 20CM

Product Code SFZZHDIB