Compact Hang On Back Filtration for Aquariums Ranging from 20-65 Gallons

Footprint: 4.75" x 2" (4.75 x 4.75" w/pump and plumbing) | Height: 12" | Skimmer Pump: DCair 700

Modern HOB Skimmer Design & Functionality

The impressively slim profile of the IceCap Nano 50 Hang-On-Back Protein Skimmer is the ideal candidate for small aquariums of up to 65 gallons. The shape of the skimmer body requires minimal space behind the aquarium. Easy placement on surfaces up to a half-inch thick and only requires 2in behind the aquarium. Enjoy the quiet operation and adjustment provided by the submerged output valve.

Compact & Built to Last

Master crafted from robust, high-quality acrylic mold. All components are marine-safe and refined in every aspect to provide the latest enhancements in foam fractionation and the highest quality.

Quiet Performance & Control

At the Core of the IceCap Nano 50 HOB, you will find the 12V DCair 700 skimmer pump built to provide safe and efficient performance. Fine-tuning the skimmer's collection couldn't be more simple with its easy-to-dial-in output valve. 

Bioload Handling

The bioload of an aquarium refers to its ability to process waste in proportion to tank volume. Protein skimmers work best when properly matched with the bioload of the system.

  • 20 GALLONS
  • 40 GALLONS
  • 65 GALLONS

Impressive Performance - Remarkably Slim Profile

  • Solid Acrylic Construction
  • Bubble Dispersant Chamber
    Overflow Flow Prevention Tube
  • Output Valve
  • Efficient 12V Skimmer Pump & Quiet Operation
  • Disassembles for Easy Cleaning & Maintenance
  • Hang-on-tank rim Installation Only


IceCap NANO 50 HOB Technical Specs

Footprint: 4.75 x 2in
Footprint with pump and plumbing: 4.75 x 4.75in
Total Height: 12in
Mount: Up to 1in thick rim

Pump Information

DCair 700 Pinwheel Pump
Power Consumption: 7watts
Voltage: DC12V
Air Draw: 200lph / 7scfh*
Water Draw: 70gph
*Air and water results will vary depending on aquarium setup
